Dream It. Live It. Crush It.

With customized workout programs and nutrition coaching, Crushing Fitness gives you the tools and guidance to become your most fit and balanced self.

Start crushing your fitness goals today!

At Crushing Fitness, everyone is welcome.

Everyone is Welcome!

At Crushing Fitness, your entry level of fitness experience does not matter. Whether you’re a gym novice, experienced lifter, or athlete, each program and package is customized to fit your specific needs.

Eat Better!

Eating healthy can be challenging, but it is extremely important for your overall health. At Crushing Fitness, we offer nutrition coaching along with our fitness programs to maximize your results.

Why us?


Programs are efficient and are constructed to work around your busy schedule.


Workouts are structured around any limitations and emphasize the importance of proper mechanics to limit risk of injury.


While pushing your limits, fitness should be enjoyable. Our customized workouts are constructed around your favorite exercises. Hate squats? We will work around that.


Every week we will check-in to make sure everything is going well. However, we also provide unlimited contact support through email or your NASM Edge chat function.


While tailored to help adults, we know the impact proper fitness health has on children and adolescents. Therefore, a portion of all programs and products purchased will be donated to the Good Sports Foundation.


All programs are constructed using scientific-based evidence to help you achieve your goals safely and efficiently.


Still Unsure?

Book a free 15 minute Zoom meeting today or contact us to learn more.


“Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do.” - Nelson Mandela